Question 1
Please expand on your experience with the different structural options for office and Residential as described in the concept package.
Residential Core Alternatives
The concept structural narrative included an option for the residential core wallS as shown in the excerpt below. The pricing sheet referred to this as Alternate No. 13. Based on the 50% SD drawings, e.g., RS1.04 and RS2.03, it appears the “Alternate Core” has been carried forward rather than the “Baseline Scheme w/ Staggered Fin Walls.”
Figure 1 Excerpt from Thornton Tomasetti’s Structural Narrative for the Residential Core.
Retaining the “Alternate Core” as shown in the 50% SD drawings appears to be the most structurally efficient method, i.e., utilizing the same amount of material while expanding the core benefiting the lateral stability of the building in the broad (most wind exposed) direction. Only considering the structure, we concur that the current configuration is the more optimum design and should be proceeded with. However, for either system, we anticipate the costs to be approximately the same.
Figure 2 50% SD Drawing, RS1.04, Extract (Showing the “Alternate Core”)
Figure 3 50% SD Drawing, RS2.03, Extract (Showing the “Alternate Core”)